Pupil Voice
A few comments from children in our school about what they love about coming to Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School ……

“I have really enjoyed our learning journey on Politics. At the start I wasn’t sure what politics was. Now I enjoy politics, understand it and I feel I have an opinion.” (Year 5 pupil)
“I honestly love reading. We have class novels which we read every day. I enjoy getting to know the characters, keeping a plot thread, and predicting what may happen next. (Year 4 Pupil)
” Showman week is great because we get to tell the other children about what it is like to work on a fair. It makes me feel proud.”(Year 6 pupil)
“Forest school is good fun. I loved whittling sticks and making a bow. The best part was making a campfire and toasting smores!”(Year 5 pupil)
School Council
Our School Councillors found out that children were bored at playtimes and wanted more to do. We asked what they wanted and were told that they wanted to be allowed to use the existing tyre park, they wanted books and games to play with outdoors and also colouring activities. Here are the results…..