Academy Values, Ethos and Vision
Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School is a caring place to grow, create and explore. We offer a wide variety of opportunities for every-one to discover and unlock their potential to become confident life-long learners, developing aspirations and fulfilling dreams.
We are an inclusive, welcoming school, where learners build their confidence and trust. Within our family community we want learners to be aware that we learn from our mistakes, is one of the biggest keys to success.
We believe our reading enhanced curriculum, hinging on reading for purpose, is the most effective way to engage children in learning.

Academy Ethos
We believe that high expectations of good behaviour and a positive attitude towards learning together, with emphasis placed on self-discipline, are essential, if the aims of the school are to be successfully achieved. The aims of the school are:-
- To provide a secure and happy atmosphere in which the children can learn effectively.
- To encourage in children a sense of responsibility and independence
- To provide high-quality education for all our children
- To work hard to raise standards
- To create a sense of community and shared values and to develop a framework for citizenship, enabling all children to participate in a multi-cultural society in accordance with the school’s equal opportunities policy
- To encourage close links with parents and the community.
The aims are the cornerstones of the school’s ethos.
The school has devised in consultation with the pupils a set of golden rules, which all members of the school community are expected to follow. They apply both indoors and outdoors.
Academy Rules
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Be Safe
In-school Rewards
At Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School we love to reward the efforts our pupils put into following our Woodhouse Wows and RESPECT values.
Along with reading awards, attendance awards, stars of the week we have also implemented awarding the children Class Dojo points.
Each staff member can award a pupil with Class Dojo points and these points can then be ‘cashed-in’ on a Friday to buy ‘treasure’ from their class teacher, be it pencils, rubbers, small toys, sweets etc. 10 points = Friday treasure.
- Reading award – 20 at home reads = Bronze certificate, 50 at home reads = Silver certificate, 100 at home reads = Gold certificate and free book.
- Attendance award – weekly mention and rosette to the 3 classes with the best attendance and punctuality in celebration assembly, termly individual certificates for 100% attendance, half termly reward for the class with the best attendance (pizza party, arts and craft workshop, movie magic).
- Star of the week – Each Friday 1 child per class is nominated and mentioned during assembly for ‘wowing’ their teacher = sticker, 5 Class Dojo points & instant treasure.